Springboard has been providing SEND services for children, young people and their families for over 30 years, and we pride ourselves on delivering a high quality, fun and inclusive provision.
What we do...
We offer supportive youth club services across West Sussex in Horsham, Crawley and Worthing, and we take referrals from aged 6 up to 30 years.
Because we know how long it can take to get a formal diagnosis, we don’t require this to access our services, however demand is high, so we encourage you to make the enquiry as early as you can in case a waiting list is in place.
Sessions are divided up by location, age and need which are explained in more detail below. We appreciate that trying to access services can be challenging and confusing, so we always encourage you to call up and talk through the needs and requirements with a staff member if that’s easier.

Suitable for children and young people with SEND aged 6-18 years living in Horsham, Crawley and Worthing.
Sessions run from Springboard House (Horsham), Manor Green College (Crawley), Palatine/Pause Centre (Worthing), and in both the local community and trips further afield.
In house and community-based sessions offering opportunities to socialise, learn life skills, gain independence and make friends.
Run on Saturday mornings and afternoons during term time.
Various full days during school holidays.
Sessions are divided by age and support required.

Volunteering & Employability
This pathway provides one-to-one support with one of our friendly coaches who will listen to your goals and help to design a programme that is tailored to what you would like to achieve. You will focus on developing the skills and confidence to gain and maintain a job or volunteering opportunity.
This pathway takes place at our inclusive centre in Horsham as well as out in the local community and covers topics such as how to write a CV, interview techniques, health and safety at work, professionalism as well as the opportunity to practise skills in a practical way.

& Family Support
This pathway offers one-to-one support for SEND children and young people when entering a period of transitions or family crisis, such as moving schools, are currently out of education or only attending for a reduced timetable, marital separation, moving from children to adults' services or in need of tailored short-term support.
We offer a six-week programme of support at our inclusive centre in Horsham with our friendly and supportive team. Working with the child / young person and their family we will work on short term goals in a fun, supportive and structured way.

Suitable for young adults with SEND aged 18-30 years living in West Sussex.
The group meets on a weekday evening during term time and various full days throughout the school holidays in Horsham or Crawley.
Sessions focus on building life skills, independence, socialising and feeling connected to your community.

This pathway provides the opportunity for SEND young people and adults to further develop their independence, confidence and abilities with everyday life skills, to increase their aspiration of living more independently.
We offer an eight-week small group programme from our inclusive centre in Horsham, delivered by our friendly and supportive team. Topics covered include money handling skills, health and safety in the kitchen, planning and preparing a meal and home skills such as washing, making the bed and keeping your space tidy.

If you don’t feel like we fit your requirements, we encourage you to get in touch because our services are always evolving. Contact the team on hello@springboardproject.com or by calling the centre on 01403 218888 and they can discuss your needs as well as signposting to other services.